Senses: Our Own or Our Past's
I love dark chocolate. With every fiber of my being, dark chocolate is one of the best privileges I have and, truly, it was an outrage when 99% ceased to be sold and I only found comfort in 90%. It was also an outrage when I gave some precious dark chocolate to my cousin and he unbelievably found it disgusting. While I had the pleasure of loving dark chocolate from an early age, this was one of the few times he tried it. Now, he tries it whenever possible to see if "his taste buds have changed yet." Maybe it was an acquired taste, enjoying it with my sister affected my attitude towards the experience, or the fact that I tried anything and everything when I was young changed my attitude towards new experiences. Some knowledge questions to ponder are:
How does a mentality towards the exploration of a sense affect experiences with given sense?
Can one change their inclination towards something by changing their mood in that moment?
How does emotions towards individuals sharing the experience affect the enjoyment of the experience?
Does one's past experiences completely dictate their enjoyment through a sense?
If someone has a preconceived notion of how they think they must react, or they have an emotional response as a result of their surroundings, their inclination could change. I've witnessed and experienced someone tasting something and then regardless of how much they actually enjoyed it, saying that it was either disgusting or delicious, depending on how they feel they need to answer. This could be a negative reaction to a food because a parent said "it's good for you" or enjoying a certain food more because a friend suggested it to you. Would you have reacted the same if that same enjoyable food was offered to you by your parent?